
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Christmas Wishlist: Kitchen Style

This year I asked Santa for a kitchen renovation.  It is something I've been dreaming of for years.  It would be a major undertaking since my renovation dreams include knocking down a wall between my kitchen and dining room and it will cost somewhere in the vicinity of heart-attack-inducing-bills-for-the-hubs.  Since I am pretty certain Santa can't deliver my new kitchen this year, I decided to dream on a slightly smaller scale to ease the pain for hubs this Christmas.

I start my morning off with coffee.  However, because my husband is long gone by the time the rest of us get up I don't need to make a whole pot.  With my traditional coffee pot sometimes making only a cup or two, it doesn't come out right or consistent.  So I'd like this:

With this to stand along side it:

I'm not much of a baker and part of the reason is because I feel there are a lot of difficult aspects.  I'm thinking that this might help make the job easier:

I've always wanted to wake up to freshly made WARM bread:

And last but not least, I wouldn't mind looking cute while cooking up some grub for my crew:

What do you wish for this holiday season?

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  1. I just got a Tassimo to review and am liking it so far. I LOVE my kitchenaid. I don't know how I lived without it. I just got it last Christmas.

  2. Frosted Fingers...I'm Jealous!


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