
Monday, July 30, 2012

Blueberry-Peach Crisp

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that at the end of last week, our fridge stopped working (and I was tweeting with excessive exclamation points).  It just wasn't getting cold; the freezer worked perfectly, the fridge not so much.  So while Bo researched ways to fix it, I researched ways to use up ingredients before they went bad.  Enter... Blueberry-Peach Crisp!  I had fresh blueberries and peaches sitting in my fridge drawer, just waiting to get used in something yummy.  I grabbed a stick of butter from the freezer and set to it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Fun: Peanut Butter Pup-Cakes

(Please bear with my cell phone photos.  My fancy camera's memory card went kaputz.)

You've all met Rory, haven't you?  With all this crazy heat we've got this summer, I decided that she deserved a frozen treat too.  And ohhhhh, how she loves them.  They're quick to make and cost about 1/4 the price of similar frozen dog treats in the grocery store.  Perfection on all fronts.

Monday, July 23, 2012

G'Day! And a Giveaway!

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Now, you totally know where I went, right?

My company sent me to Brisbane, Australia to lead some software training, and I'm almost recovered from the 14-hour time difference and two stints of 24-hour travel to get there and back.  Whew!  But it was a fantastic experience, especially because I spent my one day off taking a river boat tour out to the Lone Pine Koala Preserve to see some furry natives.  It was such a fun - and beautiful day - that it made my whole trip worth it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blink, and You'll Miss Me

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Hellooooooooo!!  I just wanted to drop in speedy-quick to let you know that I'm a million miles from my kitchen this week, on a business trip.  Well, not a million.  But a lot.  A whole lot.

I'm off to a client site... on another continent.  Crazy, I know.  And it was a bit of a last-minute, "go book your flight for next week, Sara" kind of trip.  So basically, I wanted to let you know that I'm - unfortunately - not whipping up any new recipes this week.  And I wanted to let you know that I'm going to bring back treats for a giveaway!  Treats from wherever it is that I'm at... :)

Hint?  It's "winter" here.
 (And that feels heavenly after all of the heat going on across the U.S. right now!!)

Back Soon!