I got really fed up with Pinterest the other day. Sometimes, I swear, my feed is strictly cheese and donuts. Which - don't get me wrong - are delicious (but maybe not together). But when I'm trying to eat healthy and make a concerted effort to increase the amount of veggies in my diet, Pinterest can be the opposite of helpful. So I dug up an old issue of the Food Network magazine, and whipped up these hummus recipes to share with you.
If you're making snacks for a Super Bowl party this weekend, these recipes are deliciously healthy alternatives to dips laden with cheese and sour cream. They're great served with pita chips, but you can give your health a yummy boost by serving these dips with chopped veggies. I luvvvv smearing hummus on cucumbers and bell peppers! Both recipes below are full of flavor and quick and easy to whip up.
Three Cheers for Healthy Snacks!